Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Against Doctor's Orders...

Little P woke up with a fever this morning. I slept on his floor last night. He wet the bed and curled up on the ground next to me. He sleeps like a dog; he HAS to be touching you with some part of his body. Last night, it was his toes. I was shocked by how hot they were. That freaked me out a little. I know that personally, my toes are the first extremity to freeze at night. Aren't the toes and fingers and nose the first to get frost bitten? Anyway, Toro and I woke up in a pretty good mood (I was just relieved he didn't die under my watch!) Then he crashed on the couch for another hour and a half! He and ma went to the doctor. Standard Doctor's appt: Just viral. It'll run it's course. Take it easy. Don't go back to camp until he's been fever free for 24 hours. That'll be $15.

So we took the boys out on a play date to Zoinks and Chick-fil-a.

When we tucked in Little P he was in a good mood.

And Hot.

Probably won't go to camp tomorrow.

When the doctor says "take it easy" it really means "do absolutely nothing!"

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