Monday, June 16, 2014

Flash Trotter #2 (pg9)

Day 1:
7:30-8:30 Boys wake up, get dressed, watch t.v. and drink smoothies for breakfast
8:30-12:30 Boys attend summercamp
12:30-2:00 Lunch with Chuck at Peppers (slow service, but I’m not complaining)
2:00-2:30 Little P spends thirty minutes of screen time in the house
2:00-3:30 Big D and I spend time outside riding bikes at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. Little P joins us outside at 2:30.
3:30-4:30 Boys play with cars inside/outside
3:30-4:00 Little P logs in thirty more minutes of screen time
4:00-4:30 Little P knows that he has to read. He spends this thirty minutes complaining
4:30-5:00 Little P finally reads “Big Nate” and answers five questions in the time it took for him to complain. Big D gets in thirty minutes of screen time.
5:00-6:00 Dinner and screen time
6:00-7:00 running around the house naked and yelling during alternate baths. This house is crazy!
7:00-8:00 Family screen time.
8:00-8:30 story time/bed

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