Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year! (January "To Do" List)

I am notorious for making lists.
Personal shopping lists.
Weekly Comic book lists.
On teacher planning days I write lists of things to do on the front board.

Just before vacations I write "To Do" lists.

Do I think I'll get everything done?

Are they realistic?
Apparently not.

My wife doesn't know why I write them for vacations/breaks. We both have different ideas of what a vacation is. Always have. That probably won't ever change.

I see work as a prison that prevents me from getting things that done that I want to accomplish with my life. Vacations are a break from YOUR JOB.

My wife actually likes her job. She sees vacations as a break from just about everything. She's the one that plans all of the trips that I view as work.

Before the Winter Break I wrote the following "To Do" list.

I knew I wouldn't get most of it done. I absolutely knew going in that I wouldn't get most of it done. It just exists so that I can always be busy and not veggin' in front of the t.v.

I WAS surprised to not get ANY of it done. It never left my car.

So in the spirit of New Year's Resolutions I present my December, (ahem) January "To Do" list.

School Stuff:
Make Famous Floridians Display/Didactic
Make Cityscape/Community Display/Didactic
Make 50 States Display/Didactic
Organize/Post 2nd Semester Lesson Plans
Paint ROYGBV Buses/Bus Mural @ the school bus loop
Home Stuff:
Clean Toilets
Rake Yard
Fix towel rack
Wash/Mop floors
Fix/Clean Windows (replace windows is more of a $ummer project)
Cut down trees ($ummer project)
Lay sod ($ummer project)
Garbage disposal ($ummer project)
Organize garage
Steam-clean carpets
Sort the boys clothes/hand-me-downs
Comic book front:
Finish coloring bacon and Eggs spreads
Convert to comic book format
Make inside front cover
Make "About the Authors" page
Sketch "Champions" character sketches for my boy J. Torres
Get Voodoo Chyl' to the printers in Orlando
Update blog posts!

Stay tuned to see what gets carried over to February.

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