Thursday, July 28, 2022

New York 2022: Day 3


*NOTE* All copied and pasted all of this text from facebook. Most of these sentences are captions accompany specific photos. If you think it “reads weird” you’re RIGHT! 

Penn Bros. New York Adventure 

Day 3: 

Halfway through the movie yesterday was when I realized I didn’t have my coffee in the morning! 

Step 1:COFFEE @ Gumption, 50 feet across from the hotel. While the kids slept, I escorted Betsy to her workshop. She stopped for empanadas and told me I didn’t need to walk all that way and back. She doesn’t understand that this is my “planning period” before I deal with kids all day. 

I made it back to the hotel and Parker was ready to go (he’s a shower-the-night-before kind of guy.) He and I walked down to Chick-fil-A for breakfast while Dash showered at the hotel. I’m 99% we walked past Marvel Comics. Someday they’ll invite me up there. WHOA WHOA WHOA! WAITAMINUTE! My boys revealed to me that they have indeed NOT been to the top of the Empire State Building! Dad is going to have to fix this! Subway shenanigans. Empire State Building shenanigans. The city calls to him. As Dash stuck his head through the “X” fence, he and I realized that Big Brother Parker is afraid of heights. I’m sorry, not “afraid,” just “not…super comfortable.” As we snaked our way through the labyrinthine gift shop to leave, Parker asked, “Why’s the exit so far away?” Dash replied,”The same reason why $5 rotisserie chickens are in the BACK of CostCo.” Think Geek. Another comic shop. Chicken fingers for Parker’s lunch. Parker ate at the bar while Dash and I took food to go at the the deli. COOK shares the bottom floor of our hotel. Parker found a used bookstore/DVD store less than a block away from the hotel. That should keep him busy for a while so Dash and I can chill. The problem with STAYING HYDRATED in New York is that it’s so heavily populated it’s not a great pee-pee town. A movie a day let’s me cool my heels and take a much needed bathroom break. Crown Club Member Tuesday got us discounted tickets to Thor: Love and Thunder in 4DX. The boys have been talking about 4DX since we got here. Thor was our only option even though we’ve all seen it. 4DX moves your seat around like a very tame roller coaster. It doesn’t even have seat belts. We’ll, IT SHOULD! I swear, Dash and I got air borne during the final battle. That was the most I’ve heard Mr. Cool Guy 12 Year Old giggle in a very long time. Worth it! For all the foodies out there in Facebookland, I hate to tell you that Parker settled for a Wendy’s Four for $4 and Dash and I had Chipotle. Don’t tell Betsy. To be continued… 

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