Last May, I was chosen/voluntarily forced by my boss to go visit another Magnet Elementary School in South Carolina. I was the only dude with five other women. I was reluctant to go to say the least. I don't like spending time away from my family ESPECIALLY is school is the culprit. I really don't have a problem leaving if it is comic book/ movie related. BUT TEACHING!? COME ON!
Anyhoo, after the missus advised me to appease my boss, I went. I sat in the back of the van and got myself in vacation mode. It's the tried and tested "mode" I've used to survive vacation since I was a teenager: Back seat, head phones, books, pens, paper.
And that's exactly when we launched into: "Let's-make-this-an -enthusiastic-productive-brain-storming-working-car-trip!"
The team I was with decide to start planning for next school year. One theme that was bandied about was the recycled "Around the World in 180 Days." I'll agree to damn near anything so I can get back to zoning-out. Yeah. Sure. Whatever.
But it didn't end there.
Ooo-ooo-ooo! How about "Seeing the World Through Alien Eyes?"
Great. Super. Another winner.
But then this idea just snow-balled. The next thing that I know, I'm drawing this alien named Zork. I was just trying to look busy. I drew a couple different faces not giving it much thought. They liked the Little-foot/Shrek design. Now, their passing my notebook around the van, looking at this picture, taking iphone photos of it and trying to get price quotes for a costume. Seriously?
When we returned to Tally, I was asked to draw a turn around for some company that specializes in making mascot costumes. I drew the body on a different piece of paper, scanned it in and very crudely married the two in Photoshop. And what you see is what you get. I assumed that if I gave Zork E.T. proportions, that if no one could get in the suit, that this would be the end of ol' Zork.
It wasn't.
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