Took Little P to "The Last Air Bender" today. Not great, but not as awful as critics had prepared me for. What struck me most watching the movie was that M. Night Shyamalan used to be the king of decompressed film making. He would take two minutes of story and stretch them out to five. With Air Bender, he compressed ten hours of story into two hours. I scratched my head the hardest as two characters fell in love during a one-sentence voice-over. Damn.
Little P has made me watch the cartoon before, and it is enjoyable. What I like most about Ang (the main protagonist) is that he is very immature. He has an exhuberant sense of awe and wonder and a playful personality. The kid who plays him in the movie (and was found on the internet!) doesn't really have much range. This is the director who used Haily Joel Osmet in the Sixth Sense? This kid was seriously lacking joy as he played brooding "Bruce Lee" through the film. Half of his dialogue was delivered with his back to the camera (Nice try Night!)
Little P liked it, so I liked it. Uncle Jee-Jah (who also came with us and has NOT seen the source material) said it was alright. I took it for what it was: a two-hour trailer for a great cartoon series.
After the movie, we ate and McDonald's, went to Toys R Us and I came home to cut the grass with Big D on my back. This summer, I've been cutting the grass every two weeks. This was the third time "landscaping" in six weeks. I usually wind up putting it off, and cutting the grass about once a season which takes forEVer! I've kept up the momentum.
I'm afraid now, I'm building momentum on not creating comics. This is momentum I'm going to have to flip. Soon.
Page 25. Enjoy!
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